Romulo Memorial Resource Center

~ equips Christian workers for service, and is committed
to preserve and proclaim the purity of the doctrines
of the Holy Bible which the brethren believe and practice ~

Founded by Bro. Diego and Sis. Maria Romulo, the resource center aims to supplement the current Christian Education resources of the local churches in the Philippines, by providing updated and comprehensive materials which includes reference books, teacher training and DVBS materials, Sunday school curricula, audio-visual aids, workbooks, crafts and coloring materials.

Formerly known as Evangelism Strategies Philippines Mission, ESPM was established on March 2004 at the Manila Bible Seminary compound. The organization focused on conducting seminars and workshops for church leaders and workers in the Philippines, encouraging them on the challenges that the local churches were facing, “… feeding Christ’s flock..” In memory of our late Bro. Diego Romulo, in mid 2005 it was renamed to what we know as the Romulo Memorial Resource Center.

Its current Philippine director, Sis. Leonie Castillo works closely with Sis. Maria Romulo, it’s all-over consultant and adviser, in keeping the center current and sufficiently stocked.

The main goal of RMRC is to:

  • Provide Christian Education materials and resources
  • Conduct Church Leadership Serminars
  • Enhance Christian workers’ talents and abilities, and
  • Help church growth and mission work

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