Hi all! We continually praise God for His precious gift to us all, His Son Jesus Christ, especially now as we remember and rejoice at His coming!
Attached are several pictures of precious children celebrating during Children Christmas programs and gift-giving/feeding that your loving donations made possible. These are just a few pictures— in total we were able to sponsor 14 of these during the past weeks, done by our local pastors and teachers in small congregations spread throughout the Philippines.
There is indeed a special welling up of joy when we see poor children enjoying precious time, gifts and provisions that their families can’t afford during Christmas time, but your loving donations made possible. One could hear their precious voices and laughter (our latest headcount totals around between 500 to 600, even more possibly; in areas where the Covid 19 restricts gatherings, the pastors/teachers bought gifts, food items and delivered straight to the children’s homes (reverse caroling where the carolers gave gifts instead of receiving them). Reminds us of the angels caroling the shepherds, and then telling them of a gift from God for mankind.
Indeed, it’s a great blessing to give than to receive…
Praising God with you all!!
Harvest for Christ Foundation, Inc.