FINAL REPORT: July 28, 2022 ABRA Earthquake HFCF/IDES Assistance


1. Demetrio Princena, 69 – elder of the Udangan church, 

Miguela Princena, 44, spouse – Sunday school teacher 

2. Resides at Barangay Sta. Rosa, Bangued, Abra 

3. Personal testimony: 

During the time after the very strong earthquake, as I see my small house having damages, I kept on praying to our God that he will send angels who will help us through from this very hard situation where me and my wife had. God is so good because IDES and HFCFM 

were there to help us survived from the tragedy that we were in with my wife. From my heart, I sincerely appreciate all your kindness to us. 

Because of this, I was even more encouraged and motivated to serve as an elder of the Udangan Church because of the goodness and faithfulness of God. He touches all your hearts to extend your help and love to us because we are not able to let our house be repaired without IDES and HFCFM. 

Thank you very much that through your help, we can live and sleep well at night without worrying of how we can be able to repair our house. From my sincerest heart, a very big thank you to all of you brothers and sisters under IDES and HFCFM. God Bless Us All!” 

4. Like most of those who serve in our local churches, Bro. Princena receives very minimal support from the local congregation, because most of the members are themselves very needy.  Please do pray for his financial support as he dedicates to serve the brethren here. 

Bro. Princena was a tremendous help to Bro. Tubana, Jr. in implementing the multiple Earthquake disaster assistance projects, most importantly in preparing and distributing the rice sacks/relief supplies to hundreds of needy families in the two churches affected by the earthquake.

As the elder of the Udangan COC, he assisted Bro. Tubana, Jr. in reorganizing the brethren and the officers, and helping to lead them in thanksgiving, praise and witnessing to the unbelievers in the community.