After two years of prayerful preparation and planning, the Board of Trustees of the Harvest For Christ Foundation is happy to announce the launching of the HFCF Scholarship Program, effective school year 2019!!
We thank the Lord for providing faithful and dedicated partners who committed to support this exciting endeavor in sponsoring needy and deserving seminary students.
We will be sponsoring two students (one each from MBS and ICCM), starting on their sophomore years, to their graduation. A pool of five candidates from each seminary have already been selected by the nominating seminary officers. In a few weeks’ time, the final two scholars will be selected and named by our Scholarship Executive Committee (headed by Bro. Ben Formales).
We look forward to making the announcement sometime before June 2019.
Please pray with us that God will lead and use this new endeavor for the furtherance of His kingdom work in the Philippines.
We thank the Manila Bible Seminary and the International Christian College of Manila for their encouraging partnership in training future workers to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Luke 10:2-He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”