ODETTE Part 2: Typhoon Relief Disaster Assistance


  Thousands upon thousands of families were severely displaced and rendered homeless by category 5 super-typhoon ‘ODETTE” (international code name ‘RAI’) which hit the Southern Philippines on Dec. 16. According to government reports, the typhoon affected a total of 10.8 million people across eleven regions in 10,100 barangays/villages, killed around 405 people with thousands injured, and displaced nearly 3 million people. 

We completed our first phase of HFCF Disaster relief assistance by providing urgent basic relief/supplies: food, water, bread, medicines/first-aid, clothes, and rice. But our assistance barely ‘scratched the surface’ since the devastation covered a huge swath across the middle islands of the Philippines (Visayas) and North Mindanao. 

We received a $ 25,000 grant from IDES to help implement phase 2 of ‘Odette’ disaster/relief assistance: house/dwelling repairs, and chapel rebuilding projects. We had received urgent pleas from pastors who needed assistance in rebuilding their destroyed chapels which also function as relief centers/ distribution points. Government agencies and NGO’s have aided families to rebuild their dwellings as far as they could, but they didn’t provide any assistance for religious buildings/churches for fear of being accused as biased since they couldn’t possibly assist every church/religious organization. The love for the brethren has compelled us to do everything we can to help and encourage them, so they in turn can provide assistance and encouragement to the affected families in their communities. Now, the light of the gospel message can shine even more in the darkness and brokenness brought about by super-typhoon Odette. 

  Through IDES grant and HFCF funds, we were able to help rebuild/repair 14 chapels in the Visayas and North Mindanao regions, through ten (10) coordinators and 14 on-site pastors in six (6) provinces. These fourteen (14) chapels/congregations serve approximately 650 members, including adults and 

children. Several of these rebuilt chapels served as distribution points for relief supplies for an additional 400 people, most of them non-members. 

How this project is assisting your ministry in sharing the Gospel: 

All the chapels that were rebuilt/repaired serve not only as worship/gathering place for the brethren but also as discipleship/evangelistic training centers so the believers can be prepared to evangelize the families/communities around them. Instead of the pastor functioning as the sole evangelist, all the believers are motivated, trained and responsibly prepared to go forth and share the love of the Lord with their neighbors, friends, and relatives. 

The church buildings also serve as temporary shelters and distribution centers in times of disaster and emergencies for the community to take shelter, and receive assistance, prayer, and the gospel message. The unbelievers get a chance to see the love of the Lord not only in the black-and-white (Bibles), but also in the red-and -white (living witness of the believers). 

We were also able to assist two medical/dental evangelistic missions conducted in the disaster areas, serving 354 patients and sharing the gospel message among the unbelievers. 

Summary of specific outcomes: 

  • Chapels rebuilt: 8 (eight)- approximately 450 members served 
  • Chapels repaired: 6 (six)- approximately 200 members served 
  • Number of relief bags distributed: 400 individuals 
  • Assisted two medical/dental evangelistic clinics: 354 patients served 
  • Bibles distributed: 150 


The Pangan-an Church of Christ brethren are very thankful to the HFCF and IDES for the funds you sent for the repair of the totally damaged church building. They are now happy that they can gather again inside the church for worship and other church related activities. 

As one of the coordinators in Cebu province, I also want to send my sincere thanks to the HFCF and IDES for your unending love, concern and help for all brothers and sisters all over the Philippines and specially in Cebu province. God bless you all and more power. 

From: Pastor Gabe Tawan, Cebu province coordinator. 

Christian Greetings! 

On behalf of North Road Church of Christ, we would like to extend our warm gratitude and thankfulness to all of you, IDES and HFCF headed by you for helping the rebuilding of the chapel and the church fence. 

May the Lord continue to shower His abundant blessings to all of us. Thank you and God bless! God bless you!! 

Ptr. Jungie Ramirez, NRCOC Senior Minister 

The Macapagal COC, Siargao, Phils. held their first worship service in their newly repaired chapel. It is far from finished but already functional. Thanks to Harvest for Christ Foundation, Inc and International Disaster Emergency Services for the building assistance. Glory to God!! 

Bro. Herson Amolo, Sr. regional coordinator, Mindanao provinces 

From Pastor J. Obelidon, IDES/HFCF coordinator:” Praises to God for providing for the rebuilding of the Pilar COC chapel!! Thank you to IDES and HFCF Ministries, Inc.!! We lost all when Odette hit, but we never lost hope in a loving God!” 

Surigao City COC brethren: “Thank you all so much, IDES and HFCF Ministries, for your loving provisions for our chapel rebuilding needs! All praises to God who is faithful and true to His flock always!!” 

From Dr. Titus Bantiles: 

Hello! Above are the pictures for the 2 Medical missions in Leyte and Mindanao. Thank you so much to IDES/HFCF for the support and partnership. God bless you all! Here’s the list of patients served in: ME #668 San Roque, New Bataan, Davao de Oro Med – 54 Dent – 24 Opto – 30 Lab – 37 TOTAL – 145 patient services.