Christmas Greeting from HFCF

Dear friends and partners in the Lord’s vineyard, 

Luke 2:10 says,

‘But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.’ 

The angels first proclaimed the ‘good news’ to the shepherds, and since then proclaiming the ‘best news ever’ of the Gospel has been the mandate of every believer worldwide. The gospel of grace and hope in Christ will always be the heartbeat of the mission of the Harvest for Christ Foundation, Inc., and we praise God for providing partners and generous donors like you in His kingdom work in the Philippines. 

The Covid 19 pandemic, and lately, the Omicron variant, has negatively impacted our mission work: from fund-raising, distribution, children feeding programs, projects, meetings, Sunday services and discipleship endeavors. And yet, the cries and appeal for help beckon us all to heed the call: “…let the lower lights keep burning…” 

With our small faith in an Almighty God, we together have gathered more than $ 136,000 (as of end Nov.) including grants from IDES and designated funds/special projects. From these funds, we have sent out/distributed more than $ 133,000 to the Philippines. Praises be to God indeed! 

We lay hold of the precious truth that only God’s words and souls of men/women will eventually pass on to eternity, so our steadfast focus remains on preaching the gospel message and bringing precious souls to new life in Jesus Christ. This gives joy to the heart of our Heavenly Father, most specially at this time when we joyfully remember His Son’s birth. We best reflect God when we GIVE sacrificially to others, as He had sacrificially given His Son for us. Please do pray for us and give generously for our 2022 needs. Now, more than ever, “… the fields are white and ready unto the harvest…” 

May the gospel message be similarly the heartbeat of your family, for it is the only message that will never lose its power. May you all have a blessed Christmas! 

David and Eleanor Romulo

Harvest for Christ Foundation Inc. Ministries